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How Tech Data Optimises Global Travel Management


Simplifying global travel management at Tech Data

1 min
Tech Data
Technology distribution

Posted: 23 April 2020



Global technology distributor, Tech Data has been helping companies like Apple, Cisco, HP, and Microsoft to bring their products to market since 1974.

EU Travel team leader, Joan Santalo, supports Tech Data to book and manage corporate travel strategically as a global business. And, understanding the nuances of each country within a multinational company is just part of the puzzle in creating and maintaining a successful travel programme.

At Egencia, we've worked closely with Tech Data to ensure that both European rules and local country rules are reflected in the global travel management solution. "For instance, we can have the train solution that we have in France and the train solution that we have in the UK — and we have local agents who know the complexities and the singularities of every single country and what they can offer to us," Santalo explained.

As a technology company, it's also been important for Tech Data to have access to efficient, easy-to-use technology. From clear data and reporting that influences decision-making to a slick and straightforward user experience, Santalo noted that Egencia is the travel management company (TMC) that matches Tech Data's business' needs perfectly.

Watch the video to learn how Egencia helps Tech Data manage a global travel programme with local nuances.

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